Life Well International brings clean water to the people of Honduras by drilling wells and by sharing the ‘living water’ through the Word of Christ. Honduras is the 2nd poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. For many villages in Honduras, having clean water to drink, to wash clothes in or to bathe in is NOT an option. The water is filled with many contaminations including bacteria that makes it very unsafe to use.
For many people that we serve, once Life Well International installs a water well, it will be the first time ever in their lives that they have clean accessible water. While we build, we engage in fellowship and minister to the spiritual needs of the people served by the well.
The drilling process requries a depth of approximately 80′-100′. This depth allows for us to draw water below a layer of clay called the “Confining Zone”. This layer once drilled through, allows for extraction of water safe from surface contaminations. During the drilling process a constant flow of drilling fluid is required to be pumped in the hole in order to keep the shaft flushed. After the hole is drilled the screen and pipe is installed, concrete is used to keep the pipe in place and the surface contaminations out.
The next step requires running compressed air down to the bottom of the well. The compressed air forces the water from the well up and out to release the sand and drilling fluid. Once the cleaning process is completed, a square wooden form is built and concrete is placed around the pipe. Finally a pump and storage container is installed. The storage container holds the water from the well and it’s size varies by location.
Our in-country coordinators Rigo and Christina Andino are relied upon to help with all of the logistical aspects of the drilling project. Rigo and Christina help with the ground transportation, hotel reservations, drill site selections as well as ensuring equipment/supplies are present and available.
Life Well International prefers to drill at or near church property inside of the villages. This move allows for the well to bring people to the church, allow for an opportunity to spread the gospel.
Life Well International isn’t limited to drilling at churches, we have also drilled at different sites, including a medical center, at a national police barracks and two schools.
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